Biblical People and Things
March 1983

“Biblical People and Things,” Friend, Mar. 1983, 11

Biblical People and Things

Which character(s) do you associate with the following items?

1. Ark

a. Wise Men

2. Whale

b. Adam and Eve

3. Bulrushes

c. Joseph

4. Star of Bethlehem

d. Judas

5. Lions

e. Jonah

6. Coat of many colors

f. David

7. Thirty pieces of silver

g. Noah

8. Cock that crowed three times

h. Daniel

9. Forbidden fruit

i. Peter

10. Sling

j. Moses


  • (1) g, (2) e, (3) j, (4) a, (5) h, (6) c, (7) d, (8) i, (9) b, (10) f.
