“Sharing Time: Happy Father’s Day,” Friend, June 1984, 37
Sharing Time:
Happy Father’s Day
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good (Gen. 1:31).
A card is a nice way to remember someone on Father’s Day. You could make this puzzle card for your father, for the father of your ward (the bishop), or with a few changes, for your grandfather or a married brother. Father’s Day is a good time to compliment and thank all fathers for the many ways they help children.
Fold 8 1/2″ x 11″ (22 cm x 28 cm) piece of colored paper in half the long way. Open paper and fold up to make 2″ (5 cm) pocket inside, then refold lengthwise.
Print “Happy Father’s Day” on outside of card by first drawing letters with straight lines, then outlining them with round edges (see illustrations). Color letters.
Cut out poem and glue it (or print it yourself) on right inside page above pocket.
Cut out puzzle pieces and place inside pocket.
Sign your name and put card in envelope.
When you give card, you could put puzzle together while receiver reads verse out loud.
By Mary Jane Davis
1 You’re head of our whole family.
2 You see to all our needs.
3 You listen and you hear with love.
4 You smile and praise good deeds.
5 You shoulder your own heavy loads
And share our burdens too.
6 Armed with patriarchal power,
God blesses us through you.
7 Your strong hands hold our smaller ones
When calming childish fears
Or touch to gently reassure
And wipe away our tears.
8 As you walk forth in righteousness,
We want to follow you.
9 And on our knees we humbly pray
To God, just as you do.
10 We’re walking in your footsteps,
Secure in loving care.
God bless you fathers, everyone,
Is our most humble prayer.
![Father puzzle](https://www.lds.org/bc/content/shared/content/images/gospel-library/magazine/friendlp.nfo:o:324a.jpg)
Sharing Time Ideas
This poem and puzzle can be used for Father’s Day program—
By one class or by all children during Primary Sharing Time.
As children’s part of Sunday School program.
By class for bishopric.
For Program—
Make puzzle as large as needed.
Assign ten children to memorize lines of verse. Each child holds puzzle piece, says part, then tapes puzzle piece onto flannel board or other large display board.
Have children sing appropriate songs before and after puzzle presentation.
Make enough copies so that older children can make cards to take home. Younger children can use page as coloring project.