Sing a Song
July 1984

“Sing a Song,” Friend, July 1984, 23

Sing a Song

Work the crossword puzzle by completing these phrases from songs in Sing With Me.

Crossword puzzle


  1. I see our ______ ev’ry week

  2. ______ us gather in a circle

  3. I hope they call me on a ______

  4. Jesus ______ the little children

  5. Children of the ______ of Zion

  6. Dare to do ______

  7. I think when I ______ that sweet story of old

  8. Listen to the still, small ______

  9. Mother ______, I love you so

  10. If you chance to ______ a frown

  11. He shall feed his ______

  12. I want to give the Lord my ______


  1. Jesus ______ risen

  2. ______ the leafy treetops

  3. Let’s ______ kind to one another

  4. I know my Father ______

  5. ______ daddy is my fav’rite pal

  6. God has numbered in the ______

  7. I am a child ______ God

  8. Give, said the little ______

  9. ______ is a special day

  10. Father, I will ______ be

  11. ______ as I’m doing

  12. I thank ______, dear Father

  13. ______ with all your hearts

  14. ______! hello

  15. As I watch the rising ______


  • Across—(1) bishop, (5) Let, (6) mission, (9) loved, (10) Saints, (12) right, (13) read, (16) voice, (19) dear, (20) meet, (22) flock, (23) tenth. Down—(2) has, (3) in, (4) be, (5) lives, (6) My, (7) sky, (8) of, (10) stream, (11) Saturday, (12) reverent, (14) Do, (15) thee, (17) If, (18) Hello, (21) sun.
