The Merry-Go-Round
July 1984

“The Merry-Go-Round,” Friend, July 1984, 30–32

The Merry-Go-Round

Summer is great to go visit the beaches,

To eat pink ice-cream cones, ripe berries, and peaches.

Summer is time to decide what to do.

Shall we choose the seashore, the circus, or zoo?


Let’s find something round with a musical sound.

Let’s ride on a musical merry-go-round!

A musical merry-go-round.

Do you know the sound of the merry-go-round,

The glittering, blittering, flittering sound,

The sound of the merry-go-round?

I’ve a magical ring. When I wear it, of course,

I can do anything with my magical horse.

I pretend I am galloping over the plain.

I pretend I am riding to castles in Spain.

Do you know the sound of the merry-go-round,

The trumpeting, thumpeting, clumpeting sound,

The glittering, blittering, flittering sound,

The sound of the merry-go-round?

The horses go ‘round like a circus parade.

The ticket man’s top hat is trimmed with gold braid.

My horse has a saddle as blue as the sky.

He tosses his head as we go prancing by.

Do you know the sound of the merry-go-round,

The um-pa-pa, um-pa-pa, um-pa-pa sound,

The trumpeting, thumpeting, clumpeting sound,

The glittering, blittering, flittering sound,

The sound of the merry-go-round?

The first horse is purple, the second is red;

The third horse has gorgeous green eyes in her head.

The fourth horse is yellow with pale flaxen mane.

She might try to buck; you should hold a tight rein.

The lavender horse is the fifth horse in line.

The sixth horse is black, and I wish he were mine!

So many bright horses go whirling around

And ‘round and around on the merry-go-round.

Do you know the sound of the merry-go-round,

The swirl-around, whirl-around, twirl-around sound,

The um-pa-pa, um-pa-pa, um-pa-pa sound,

The trumpeting, thumpeting, clumpeting sound,

The glittering, blittering, flittering sound,

The sound of the merry-go-round?

The music gets slower and slower until

It is time to get off and the music is still.

But the music restarts from the organ inside,

So I’ll buy a new ticket and have one more ride.

Swirl-around, whirl-around, twirl-around ride,

Um-pa-pa, um-pa-pa, um-pa-pa ride,

Trumpeting, thumpeting, clumpeting ride,

Glittering, blittering, flittering ride,


Illustrated by Dick Brown
