August Calendar
September 1984

“August Calendar,” Friend, Aug.–Sept. 1984, 47

August Calendar

After World War I, on August 20, 1923, the French Mission was reopened. If you were to go on a mission to France, you would learn to speak Français (fron-say’). You would teach l’évangile (lay-von’-jeel) to the French people, telling them about le Livre de Mormon (luh leevr duh Mormon) and les prophètes (lay pro-fet’), Joseph Smith, and Spencer W. Kimball. With foi (fwa), prière (pree-yair’), and travail (tra-vaiy’), many people could be baptisé (bah-tee’-zay) into l’Eglise de Jesus Christ des Saints des Derniers Jours (lay-gleez duh zha-su Kree day San day dern-yay zhoor).

l’Eglise de Jésus Christ des Saints des Derniers Jours—The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
l’Evangile—the gospel
le Livre de Mormon—The Book of Mormon
les prophètes—the prophets

Illustrated by Beth M. Whittaker