Sharing Time: Nauvoo Cutouts
October 1984

“Sharing Time: Nauvoo Cutouts,” Friend, Oct. 1984, 47

Sharing Time:

Nauvoo Cutouts


Color and cut out each building. Read the information on the back of each picture, then locate the building on the map found in the Friend, August–September 1984, pages 34 and 35.

Nauvoo Cutouts
Nauvoo Cutouts

Drawings by Steven Baird

20 Blacksmith Shop

The five Webb brothers’ blacksmith and wagon shop was opened in 1843 in this stone building. Many of the wagons used by the Saints to travel westward were built by these men. The building was eventually destroyed, but it was rebuilt in 1969–1970 on its original foundation.

23 Joseph Smith Store

A general store was opened on the first floor of this two-story building located near the Mississippi River. On the second floor Joseph Smith had a private office where he did translating and received revelations. On May 4, 1842, the inauguration of the endowment ceremonies took place in an upstairs meeting room. Today the building is owned and maintained by the Reorganized Church of Latter-Day Saints.

18 Noble-Lucy Mack Smith Home

When she was in her seventies, the mother of Joseph Smith, Lucy M. Smith, asked to stay behind in Nauvoo and join the Saints later, after they were settled in the West. The Church leaders agreed, and in the spring of 1846 they purchased this two-story home for her. It had been built in 1843 by Joseph B. Noble, a justice of the peace. Lucy M. Smith died in Nauvoo in 1855.

8 Scovil Bakery

Lucius Scovil operated a bakery and catering service. Baked goods, crackers, and candy were made and sold here. During the restoration, two indoor ovens and an outdoor oven used for summer baking were discovered.

6 Temple site

Construction on the Nauvoo Temple began in April 1841. The Saints gave many hours of labor and donated many personal belongings to purchase the necessary materials. Unfortunately, many of the Saints had to leave Nauvoo for the West before the temple was dedicated on May 1, 1846. In 1848 the building was completely destroyed by the wind. Most of the gray limestone blocks have been used in other buildings.

12 Print Shop
14 Times and Seasons Building

In 1845 this three-building complex was purchased by Elias Smith for $3,400. The buildings were used as a printing center for the Times and Seasons (semimonthly periodical) and the Nauvoo Neighbor (a weekly newspaper), a bookstore, and a book bindery. The middle building served as living quarters for the editors.
