“Christmas Rhyming Riddles,” Friend, Dec. 1984, inside front cover
Christmas Rhyming Riddles
The inn was full in this small town,
So in a manger they laid Him down.
They’d come to this City of David to pay
Their taxes, Herod’s law to obey.
What city was this? ____________________
In Swaddling clothes, asleep, He lay
On that first, wondrous Christmas day.
His mother, Mary, sat nearby,
Singing Him a lullaby.
Who was He? ___________________________
While they watched o’er their flocks one night,
An angel came in heavenly light
And gave them “tidings of great joy”—
They left in haste to see the Boy.
Who were they? ________________________
They traveled from the east afar,
Following a bright, bright star;
Many precious gifts they brought
To give the newborn King they sought.
Who were they? ________________________
Illustrated by Phyllis Luch