Game of the Week
February 1985

“Game of the Week,” Friend, Feb. 1985, 39

Game of the Week

By rearranging some of the letters in the names for each day, you will find the word described in each clue.

  1. Sunday (particles inside hourglass) __ __ __ __

  2. Monday (bewail) __ __ __ __

  3. Tuesday (music for two) __ __ __ __

  4. Wednesday (Scandinavian country) __ __ __ __ __ __

  5. Thursday (low, flat object for carrying dishes) __ __ __ __

  6. Friday (evergreen tree) __ __ __

  7. Saturday (corroded) __ __ __ __ __


  • (1) sand, (2) moan, (3) duet, (4) Sweden, (5) tray, (6) fir, (7) rusty.
