Biblical Mothers
May 1985

“Biblical Mothers,” Friend, May 1985, 39

Biblical Mothers

Work this crossword puzzle by putting in the name of the mother of the person(s) given.

Crossword puzzle


  1. Dinah (Gen. 46:15)

  2. Obed (Ruth 4:13, 17)

  3. Timothy (2 Tim. 1:2, 5)

  4. Isaac (Gen. 21:2–3)

  5. Timothy’s mother or father (2 Tim. 1:2, 5)

  6. Jesus (Luke 1:30–31)

  7. Esau and Jacob (Gen. 25:21–26)

  8. Gershom (Ex. 2:31–22)


  1. Cain and Abel (Gen. 4:1–2)

  2. Ishmael (Gen. 16:15)

  3. Samuel (1 Sam. 1:20)

  4. Absalom and Tamar (2 Sam. 3:3; 2 Sam. 13:1)

  5. Joseph and Benjamin (Gen. 35:24)

  6. John (the Baptist) (Luke 1:13)

  7. Onam (1 Chr. 2:26)

  8. Mahlon and Chilion (Ruth 1:2)


  • Across—(1) Leah, (6) Ruth, (7) Eunice, (8) Sarah, (10) Lois, (11) Mary, (13) Rebekah, (14) Zipporah. Down—(2) Eve, (3) Hagar, (4) Hannah, (5) Maachah, (6) Rachel, (7) Elisabeth, (9) Atarah, (12) Naomi.
