Vegetable Secrets
May 1985

“Vegetable Secrets,” Friend, May 1985, 39

Vegetable Secrets

Using the number of blanks as a guide, arrange letters in each vegetable name to get the word defined in the clue. Example: Find a fishing basket in CELERY. Answer: creel.

  1. Find something sharp in TURNIP. __ __ __

  2. Find a facial feature in ZUCCHINI. __ __ __ __

  3. Find the sound of a horn in POTATO. __ __ __ __

  4. Find a hint in LETTUCE. __ __ __ __

  5. Find a certain time of day in ONION. __ __ __ __

  6. Find a grocery-store vehicle in CARROT. __ __ __ __

  7. Find an enclosure for a canary in CABBAGE. __ __ __ __

  8. Find a throwing weapon in PARSLEY. __ __ __ __ __

  9. Find a planet in ARTICHOKE. __ __ __ __ __

  10. Find something sweet in ASPARAGUS. __ __ __ __ __

  11. Find a neighbor of Portugal in SPINACH. __ __ __ __ __

  12. Find a boy’s name in CUCUMBER. __ __ __ __ __


  • (1) pin, (2) chin, (3) toot, (4) clue, (5) noon, (6) cart, (7)cage, (8) spear, (9) earth, (10) sugar, (11) Spain, (12) Bruce.