Unexpected Guests
March 1987

“Unexpected Guests,” Friend, Mar. 1987, 18–19

Unexpected Guests

One day I met at my front door

A beast they call the ELEPHORE.

His friend, a happy HIPPALONE,

Asked to use my telephone.

They tramped into my living room

And scared my pet BABOONATOON.

Their van was stuck—its tires were flat.

They needed help, so there they sat!

I called a tow truck right away

And begged, “Please come without delay!”

They were too large for my small house.

I feared they’d squash my MOUSALOUSE.

(He’s very shy and soft and small

And doesn’t like a crowd at all.)

The two of them took all the space.

I couldn’t sit—there was no place!

I served them quarts of lemonade

With sugar cookies I had made.

I feared they’d not leave through the door

Because they’d fall right through my floor!

The tow truck came at two that day.

The tires were changed; they sped away.

I don’t mind visitors at all—

Except when they are wall-to-wall!

Illustrated by Shauna Mooney
