Sharing Time: A Mother’s Day Flower Necklace
May 1987

“Sharing Time: A Mother’s Day Flower Necklace,” Friend, May 1987, 17

Sharing Time:

A Mother’s Day Flower Necklace

And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him (Luke 2:40).

Everything that Jesus taught us is true. We can try to be like Him by living His teachings. Here is a Mother’s Day gift that you can make that will show your love for your mother and your love for truth and Jesus’ teachings.


  1. Use pattern to trace and cut out about sixteen flowers from colored paper.

    Mother’s Day Flower Necklace
  2. Print “To Mother, from (your name)” on one flower.

  3. Think of things that Jesus taught us to do—for example: tell truth, love right, forgive others, repent. Write “I will ___________” on flower. Finish sentence with something that Jesus taught that you think that you could do. Write something different on as many flowers as you can.

  4. Cut two straws into 1″ (2.5 cm) pieces.

  5. Thread large needle with piece of yarn 30″ (76 cm) long.

  6. Poke needle through center of each flower, then through piece of straw. Continue until you have threaded all flowers that you have written on. Tie ends of yarn together.

  7. Give necklace to your mother on Mother’s Day. Talk to her about promises that you wrote. Thank her for teaching you to love truth.

Sharing Time Ideas

  1. Tell stories of people who loved truth.

  2. Read Luke 2:40 and discuss how we can become “strong in spirit.”

  3. Sing “Jesus once Was a Little Child” (Sing With Me, B-66), “True to the Faith” (Hymns, no. 254), “Like Sunshine in the Morning” (Sing With Me, G-20).

  4. For choose-and-review singing time, make flower necklace and write page numbers of songs you want reviewed on flowers. Children could pick flower from necklace while you wear it. (Cut slit to center of each flower so that it will easily pull off.)

Photo by Marty Mayo