undefined undefined Do You Know?
Do You Know?
February 1988

“Do You Know?” Friend, Feb. 1988, 33

Do You Know?

(From 2 Ne. 4:12; 2 Ne. 5:1–18.)

After Lehi died, his two oldest sons, Laman and Lemuel, tried to kill their brother Nephi. Following the Lord’s counsel, Nephi fled into the wilderness with his own family; his other older brother, Sam, and his family; his younger brothers, Jacob and Joseph; some of his sisters; Zoram and his family; and everyone else who believed that Nephi was a prophet of God. As they traveled, they took with them their flocks and seeds, the sword and brass plates of Laban, and the Liahona.

After many days they settled in a land that they named Nephi. The people prospered in their new land, and Nephi did many things there. Which of the following things did Nephi do? Do you know?

A. He taught the people how to build buildings.

B. He built a temple similar to the one Solomon had built in Jerusalem.

C. He made many swords like the sword of Laban so that they could defend themselves if the Lamanites ever found them there.

D. He taught the people to be industrious and to work with wood and metals.


  • Nephi taught the people to be industrious, to build buildings and to work with wood, iron, copper, brass, steel, gold, silver, and other precious metal. He also built a temple for them to worship in, and he made swords so that they could defend themselves against the Lamanites if they had to. (Answers A, B, C, and D are all correct.) Nephi had done so much for the people that the wanted him to be their king. He refused, warning them against ever having a king. And he continued to help them all the rest of his life.