Valentine Puzzle
February 1988

“Valentine Puzzle,” Friend, Feb. 1988, 26

Valentine Puzzle

Read the definitions, then complete these words that contain val.

1. Land between ranges of hills of mountains

Val __ __ __

2. Worth a great deal

Val __ __ __ __ __

3. Card received on February 14

Val __ __ __ __ __ __

4. Courage or bravery

Val __ __

5. Pertaining to ships

__ __ val

6. Time of celebration

__ __ __ __ __ val

7. Egg-shaped

__ val

8. Horsemen in army

__ __ val __ __

9. Competitor

__ __ val


  • (1) valley, (2) valuable, (3) valentine, (4) valor, (5) naval, (6) festival, (7) oval, (8) cavalry, (9) rival.
