undefined undefined Friends of Jesus
Friends of Jesus
March 1989

“Friends of Jesus,” Friend, Mar. 1989, 22

Friends of Jesus

Match each person who knew and loved the Savior with his/her proper description.

1. John

a. Sister of Lazarus who prepared meals for Jesus. (See Luke 10:38–42.)

2. Joseph of Arimathaea

b. Told the Apostles that Jesus had risen from the grave. (See John 20:17–18.)

3. Lazarus

c. Publican (tax collector) who welcomed Jesus into his home. (See Luke 19:2–6.)

4. Martha

d. Baptized Jesus in the Jordan River. (See Matt. 3:13–17.)

5. Mary

e. Defended Jesus before the Pharisees and took part in His burial. (See John 7:45–51; John 19:38–40.)

6. Mary Magdalene

f. Woman who anointed Jesus’ feet with costly ointment. (See John 12:3–8.)

7. Matthew

g. At first he doubted, but later believed that Jesus had risen. (See John 20:24–29.)

8. Nicodemus

h. Mary (James’s mother), Mary Magdalene, and ________ went to Jesus’ tomb with spices. (See Mark 16:1–8.)

9. Peter (Simon Peter)

i. Asked Pilate for permission to bury Jesus’ body. (See Matt. 27:57–60.)

10. Salome

j. Jesus called him Cephas, which means a stone. (See John 1:40–42.)

11. Thomas

k. Jesus raised him from the dead. (See John 11:38–45.)

12. Zacchaeus

l. Tax collector who followed Jesus as one of His disciples. (See Matt. 9:9.)


  • (1) d, (2) i, (3) k, (4) a, (5) f, (6) b, (7) l, (8) e, (9) j, (10) h, (11) g, (12) c.