Kitchen Krafts
March 1989

“Kitchen Krafts,” Friend, Mar. 1989, 47

Kitchen Krafts

Pita Wabbit

6 tablespoons crunchy peanut butter

2 tablespoons applesauce

2 pita bread rounds

1 banana, sliced


  1. Mix peanut butter and applesauce together in small bowl.

  2. Cut pita bread rounds in half. Carefully open pockets and spread one side of each half with peanut butter mixture.

  3. Arrange slices of banana on top of peanut butter mixture, then sprinkle on a few raisins.

Orange-Chocolate Easter Eggs

3 cups finely crushed vanilla wafers

1 cup confectioners’ sugar

1 cup chopped walnuts

1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

1/2 cup orange juice

confectioners’ sugar

  1. Place all but last ingredient in large bowl, and mix until dough holds together.

  2. Put some confectioners’ sugar in small shallow bowl.

  3. For each egg, form tablespoonful of dough into egg shape; then roll in confectioners’ sugar.

Yummy Easter Treats

1 1/3 cups coconut

food coloring of your choice

4 squares semisweet or white chocolate


16 marshmallows

  1. Put coconut in plastic bag, add few drops of food coloring, seal bag, and shake until coconut is evenly colored. Spread out coconut on dinner plate.

  2. Melt chocolate over very low heat, stirring constantly. Remove from heat.

  3. For each treat, insert toothpick into marshmallow; then, holding toothpick, dip marshmallow into chocolate, roll in coconut, place on waxed paper, and gently remove toothpick.

Egg Boats

6 hard-cooked eggs, peeled

2 teaspoons margarine, softened

1/2 teaspoon mustard

1 can (6 1/2 ounces/184 g) tuna fish, drained

3 slices cheese

6 toothpicks

  1. Cut eggs in half lengthwise.

  2. Remove yolks with spoon and put into bowl. Mix in margarine, mustard, and tuna fish.

  3. Refill egg whites with tuna mix.

  4. Cut cheese slices in half diagonally. For each boat, insert toothpick into cheese triangle, and stick end of toothpick into filled egg to make sail.

Photo by Jed Clark
