June 1990

“Bug-a-Boo,” Friend, June 1990, 33


To make this surprise gift, you will need: a small can or jar with a lid, paper, scissors, crayons, and tape or glue.

  1. Use the crayons to draw designs or a picture on the paper, ask someone to write Bug-a-Boo on it, then tape or glue it to the outside of the can.

  2. Tape or glue a plain piece of paper on the lid.

  3. Cut several long strips of paper narrower than the inside of the can. Tape the ends of the strips together to form one long strip. Accordion-fold the paper strip as shown. When it is pushed into the can, the folded paper should be at least 1/3 the height of the can.

  4. Cut out the bug head on this page, and tape it to the top of the paper strip.

  5. Place the folded paper inside the can, then put on the lid.

  6. Give the Bug-a-Boo to someone, and watch his surprise when he opens the jar.

Illustrated by Pat Hoggan
