undefined undefined President Benson’s Boyhood
President Benson’s Boyhood
September 1990

“President Benson’s Boyhood,” Friend, Sept. 1990, 5

President Benson’s Boyhood

Crossword puzzle


  1. His great-grandfather was called as an __________.

  2. “T” was his __________-hood nickname.

  3. _________ _________ is now our living prophet.

  4. In wintertime, T enjoyed ice-__________

  5. He especially liked to __________ horses.

  6. T had to take baths in the __________.

  7. His family held regular family _________ evengings.

  8. He harvested sugar _________ on thier farm.

  9. His father’s letters from the mission field were a _______.

  10. T _________ his family.


  1. T liked to go _________, fishing, and hunting.

  2. At age four, he could drive a team of _________.

  3. At sixteen, he thinned an ________ of sugar beets.

  4. His father was called on a __________.

  5. He bathed in a great ________ tub.

  6. He helped care for all the farm _________.

  7. He was the oldest of _________ children.

  8. T learned to herd _________.

  9. He has always been a _________ worker.


  • Across—(3) Apostle, (4) boy, (6) President Benson, (8) skating, (10) ride, (12) kitchen, (15) home, (16) beets, (17) blessing, (18) loved. Down—(1) camping, (2) horses, (3) acre, (5) mission, (7) tin, (9) animals, (11) eleven, (13) cattle, (14) hard.