“President Benson’s Boyhood,” Friend, Sept. 1990, 5
President Benson’s Boyhood
![Crossword puzzle](https://www.lds.org/bc/content/shared/content/images/gospel-library/magazine/friendlp.nfo:o:2b22.jpg)
His great-grandfather was called as an __________.
“T” was his __________-hood nickname.
_________ _________ is now our living prophet.
In wintertime, T enjoyed ice-__________
He especially liked to __________ horses.
T had to take baths in the __________.
His family held regular family _________ evengings.
He harvested sugar _________ on thier farm.
His father’s letters from the mission field were a _______.
T _________ his family.
T liked to go _________, fishing, and hunting.
At age four, he could drive a team of _________.
At sixteen, he thinned an ________ of sugar beets.
His father was called on a __________.
He bathed in a great ________ tub.
He helped care for all the farm _________.
He was the oldest of _________ children.
T learned to herd _________.
He has always been a _________ worker.