Jennie’s Big Blue Eyes
June 1991

“Jennie’s Big Blue Eyes,” Friend, June 1991, 29

Jennie’s Big Blue Eyes

I learn about my Heavenly Father/When I go to church (Children’s Songbook, page 157).

Jennie was climbing in a tree when her mother called, “Jennie, it’s time to go to the grocery store now.”

Jennie jumped down from the tree. She waved good-bye to her friends. Then she got into the car with her mother.

When Jennie and her mother arrived at the grocery store, they smelled bread baking. It smelled wonderful,

Jennie saw a lady making orange juice.

“Would you like a sample of orange juice?” the lady asked.

Jennie nodded. She drank the orange juice. It tasted great.

Another lady was cutting pineapple.

“Would you two like to try a piece?” she asked.

“Thank you,” said Jennie. “This is really good.”

Jennie’s mother picked up a big pineapple and gave it to Jennie. “Please put this in our shopping cart.”

When they were through shopping, Jennie helped push the cart to the front of the store.

A friendly man put their groceries into a sack.

“Where did you get those big blue eyes?” he asked Jennie.

Jennie smiled. “From Heavenly Father,” she said.

“And how do you know that?” asked the man.

Jennie smiled again and looked at the man with her big blue eyes. “I learned about Heavenly Father in church.” she said. “Heavenly Father gave me my eyes so I can see you and all these good things to eat.

Illustrated by Phyllis Luch
