New Testament Personalities
June 1991

“New Testament Personalities,” Friend, June 1991, 23

New Testament Personalities

See if you can figure out who each of these people from the New Testament is, then check your answer by looking up the scripture reference that follows each description.

  1. Before I was converted to the true Church, I persecuted those who believed in Jesus Christ. After seeing Jesus in a vision, I became His disciple. I traveled for many years as a missionary, preaching the gospel to the Jews and the Gentiles. My first missionary companion was Barnabas. Who am I? (See Acts 9:1–22; Acts 13:2, 9.)

  2. I was the first chief Apostle of Jesus Christ. My brother, Andrew, and I were fishermen. One of the names I am known by means stone. Who am I? (See Matt. 4:18–22; John 1:40–42.)

  3. Jesus cast seven devils out of me. I became His disciple, and I was the first person who saw Him after His resurrection. Who am I? (See Mark 16:9.)

  4. I had a young daughter about twelve years old, who became very ill and died. Jesus came to my home and raised her from the dead. Who am I? (See Luke 8:41–42, 49–56.)


  • (1) Paul (Saul), (2) Simon Peter, (3) Mary Magdalene, (4) Jairus.
