My Big Brother
September 1991

“My Big Brother,” Friend, Sept. 1991, 28–29

My Big Brother

Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love (Rom. 12:10).

  1. My big brother Aaron is a deacon. He passes the sacrament on Sunday with his friends. He has lots of friends, but Aaron says that I’m his very best friend.

  2. Aaron and I like to go to the park. He pushes me real high in the swing. We climb trees together too. He can climb the biggest tree in the park.

  3. Aaron gave me his old bike and taught me how to ride it. Now we go on bike rides together. Sometimes we go to the store for Mom on our bikes.

  4. One time we went fishing, but I didn’t catch a fish. Aaron caught two, and he gave me one. It’s nice to have a big brother who shares.

  5. Aaron taught me how to whistle. And I taught him how to eat spinach without tasting it by holding his nose.

  6. Whenever I get scared at night, I tell Aaron. Then he tells me a story until I fall asleep.

  7. Aaron told me a secret. He said that Mom’s going to have a baby. Big brothers are the best. I’m glad Mom’s having a baby. Now I can be a big brother too!

Illustrated by Susan Curtis
