“The Amlicites,” Friend, Mar. 1992, 20
The Amlicites

Amlici was a very clever man who wanted to be king of the Nephites. A wicked man, he had many followers who wanted to make him king. Alma 2:1–2

The righteous Nephites were afraid. They did not want Amlici to be their king. They knew that he wanted to destroy God’s church. Alma 2:3–4

The Nephites gathered in various groups to decide if Amlici should be king. Most of them voted against Amlici. He did not become their king. Alma 2:5–7

Amlici and his followers were angry. They made him their king and called themselves Amlicites. He ordered them to fight the Nephites. Alma 2:8–11

The righteous Nephites prepared to defend themselves with bows and arrows, swords, and other weapons. Alma 2:12–13

The Amlicites attacked. But the Nephites, led by Alma and strengthened by the Lord, killed many Amlicites. The rest of the Amlicites ran away. Alma 2:15–19

Alma sent spies to follow the Amlicites. The spies reported that the Amlicites had joined with a large army of Lamanites and were attacking Nephites near Zarahemla. Alma 2:21–24

The Nephites prayed, and God helped them again. They killed many of the Lamanite-Amlicite army. Alma 2:28

Alma and Amlici fought face to face with swords. Alma prayed that his life would be spared, and God gave him the strength to kill Amlici. Alma 2:29–31

The Nephites pursued the Lamanites and Amlicites into the wilderness. Many of the wounded died there and were eaten by wild animals. Alma 2:36–38

By marking themselves with red like the Lamanites, the Amlicites fulfilled the word of the Lord. They separated themselves from the blessings of the gospel. Alma 3:4, 14, 18–19
Illustrated by Jerry Thompson