Old and New Geography
April 1992

“Old and New Geography,” Friend, Apr. 1992, 23

Old and New Geography

Match the names of the old countries or land areas listed in the first column with the new names listed in the second column.

1. South-West Africa

a. Iran

2. East Pakistan

b. Sri Lanka

3. Formosa

c. Korea

4. Persia

d. France

5. Cathay

e. Zimbabwe and Zambia

6. Gaul

f. Taiwan

7. Ceylon

g. Namibia

8. Abyssinia

h. Bangladesh

9. Rhodesia

i. Ethiopia

10. Chosen

j. China


  • (1) g, (2) h, (3) f, (4) a, (5) j, (6) d, (7) b, (8) i, (9) e, (10) c.
