Kitchen Krafts
June 1992

“Kitchen Krafts,” Friend, June 1992, 27

Kitchen Krafts

Easy Ice Cream

1 bottle (.5 gallon/2 liters) fruit-flavored soda pop

1 can (14 ounces/397 g) sweetened condensed milk

ice-cream freezer


ice-cream salt

  1. Pour the soda pop and the condensed milk into the freezer container, and mix thoroughly.

  2. With an adult’s help, freeze the mixture according to freezer directions.

Heart-Shaped Cake

1 package (18.25 ounces/517 g) cake mix

1 can (16 ounces/454 g) frosting

fruit, nuts, or sprinkles (optional)

  1. Mix the cake according to the package directions.

  2. Generously grease and flour a round cake pan and a square cake pan. Pour the batter equally into each pan. Bake the cake according to the package directions.

  3. Cool the cake in the pans on a wire rack about ten minutes. Carefully turn the cakes out of the pans onto waxed paper and let them cool completely.

  4. Place the square cake onto a serving tray. Cut the round cake in half and place the cut sides next to adjacent sides of the square cake to form a heart (see illustration). Trim away any extending edges.

  5. Frost the cake. Decorate it with fruit, nuts, or sprinkles, if desired.

Six Three’s Ice Cream

3 bananas, mashed

juice of 3 lemons

juice of 3 oranges

3 cups sugar

3 cups milk

3 cups cream

ice-cream freezer


ice-cream salt

  1. Mix the first six ingredients in a large bowl.

  2. Pour the mixture into the freezer container. With an adult’s help, freeze the mixture according to freezer directions.

Illustrated by Doug Roy
