I Spy a Jack-O’-Lantern
October 1992

“I Spy a Jack-O’-Lantern,” Friend, Oct. 1992, 44

I Spy a Jack-O’-Lantern

For a family home evening activity, cut a jack-o’-lantern out of a piece of orange paper. Select one person to be the hider. Have everyone else leave the room. The hider hides the jack-o’-lantern somewhere in the room. When he is ready, the other players come into the room and look for the jack-o’-lantern. When someone finds it, the finder should not give away its location, but whisper to the hider where it is hidden. When everyone has found the jack-o’-lantern, the first finder is the new hider for the next game. (Hint: The fun of this game is in seeing how long it takes for everyone to find the jack-o’-lantern, so finders shouldn’t go right from where they found it, to tell the hider, or they’ll give away its hiding place.)
