undefined undefined Pili and Loli Romero Carrascoso of Seville, Spain
Pili and Loli Romero Carrascoso of Seville, Spain
October 1992

“Pili and Loli Romero Carrascoso of Seville, Spain,” Friend, Oct. 1992, 42–43

Making Friends:

Pili and Loli Romero Carrascoso of Seville, Spain

Entering the home of Pili (10) and Loli (9) is a heartwarming experience. They, along with their mother, Victoria, quickly greet friends who are boys with a big smile, and friends who are girls with a kiss on each cheek. Their father, Jaime, heartily shakes hands, while six-year-old Jaime grins happily. You’ll often find the missionaries at their home enjoying the family’s hospitality. The gospel has brought great happiness to Pili’s and Loli’s family.

Last year the missionaries knocked on their door and were invited to come inside. After the missionaries taught the family, Mother decided that she wanted to join the Church, and knew that it would help her teach the gospel to her family. Father decided that he needed to obey the Word of Wisdom so that he could be baptized too. Both parents were baptized on July 10, 1991. About a week later, Loli was baptized by her father. The Primary children sang at her baptism. A few weeks after that, Pili decided that she was ready to be baptized too. She knew that it was important for her family to become an eternal family. When Pili was confirmed, she could feel the Holy Spirit in her heart.

Because the girls’ father drives a taxicab at night, the family holds family home evening at midday. Loli and Pili can still remember their very first one. The lesson was about becoming an eternal family. A guessing game is a favorite family home evening activity. Someone writes on a piece of paper the name of something; then another player asks questions for clues and tries to guess what it is. If the guesser doesn’t guess it, he gets a thimbleful of water poured on his head!

At midday in Seville a lot of businesses and schools close so that people can go home and eat the big meal of the day. Then they rest during the hottest part of the day. Later everyone returns to work and school. Pili and Loli enjoy eating a famous Spanish dish called paella (seafood, ham, chicken, vegetables, and rice flavored with saffron). Churros (deep-fried strips of dough) served with thick hot chocolate is always a good treat. A light meal is often served late in the evening after the family goes for a paseo (walk).

Both girls enjoy studying science in school. Pili likes to play hide and seek, fútbol (soccer), dominoes, and checkers. Playing imaginary games, dodgeball, and fútbol are what Loli enjoys. They are always eager to take a walk in the park or to go swimming at a pool or at the beach.

Pili often baby-sits her niece, and Loli watches her brother when her mother is working. Sweeping, dusting, doing dishes, and making beds are some of the chores they take turns doing.

In sacrament meeting the girls love to sing “The Lord Is My Light,” and in Primary their favorite song is “Families Can Be Together Forever.” Loli likes doing everything in Primary, especially singing, and Pili always enjoys learning about Jesus.

Holidays are an important family tradition. Las ferias de abril (April holidays) are looked forward to each year. Pili and Loli enjoy having their hair done, putting on their Sevillian costumes, and going downtown to join many other girls. Then they all dance to Sevillian music during the festival.

To celebrate Christmas the family goes to Grandma’s house for a Christmas Eve turkey dinner. Christmas Day is spent at home celebrating the birth of the Savior. Instead of receiving gifts on Christmas Day, the children put out their shoes at night on January 5 for the Three Kings to leave them a gift in. On New Year’s Eve, each member of the family eats twelve grapes before midnight to bring them good luck.

Pili and Loli are grateful to the missionaries for teaching them the gospel. Pili is sure that singing in Primary will help her become a professional singer someday. And Loli believes that belonging to the Church and attending Primary will help her become a good teacher. They both know that the gospel will continue to bring them and their family happiness throughout their lives.

Photos by Julie Wardell and missionaries serving in Seville

Pili (left) and Loli in their Sevillian dance costumes

Pili and Loli strike a pose with a statue of Spanish women

Jaime and Elder Packer

The family at the Plaza de España

Pili’s baptism: (left to right) Elder Packer, Elder Brown, Loli, Pili, Jaime (father), Victoria (mother)