Temple Service
July 1993

“Temple Service,” Friend, July 1993, inside front cover

Temple Service

(Adapted from an October 1992 conference address. See Ensign, November 1992, page 47.)

O Saints, rejoice! Our kindred dead May now receive eternally The fulness of the gospel’s joy. Arise, ye Saints, and set them free! (Hymns, 1985, no. 290.)

A miracle is taking place in the southern part of the United States. It pertains to family history and temple work. Between 1860 and 1865, hundreds of thousands of soldiers died. Many had never married.

William D. Taylor, a Canadian, found himself, together with his wife and family, living in that area of the United States and wondering about those soldiers. The Taylors have been working at getting the records of the soldiers for over four years and have sent over 101,000 of their names to the temple to have their work done for them there. Brother Taylor writes, “I am thankful for being allowed to do this work. It brings me joy unparalleled to anything I have ever known.”

A priesthood leader wrote to me about a group of young Aaronic Priesthood youth who were baptized by their priesthood leaders for the soldiers: “In almost every case, when the young brother had finished his 14–15 names, he would turn and embrace his leader and shed a few tears of joy. What an example of true priesthood love and service! I had the experience of being a witness at the font and gained, in a few cases, the undeniable witness of the Spirit that those young soldiers who had died had accepted the baptisms that were being performed in their behalf.”

Do we have the faith to serve with courage? When we do, the Lord can work His mighty miracles through us.

Illustrated by Robert T. Barrett
