Peace—A Witness of the Spirit
January 1994

“Peace—A Witness of the Spirit,” Friend, Jan. 1994, inside front cover

A Witness of the Spirit

(Adapted from an October 1991 General Women’s Meeting address. See Ensign, November 1991, page 92.)

Acquaint now thyself with him [the Lord], and be at peace (Job 22:21).

There often seems something magical about sleeping under the stars, especially on a dark night when there’s no moon and the stars are bright. It had been a night such as this when, at the first hint of morning in the sky, I had slipped out of my sleeping bag and headed up a little trail through the trees. Coming over a small rise, I found a grassy meadow where I could look out over the valley and the mountains. I stood there for a long time, watching the sky grow lighter and the clouds turn from gray to pink and then white.

As the sun touched the tops of the mountains, I realized that I was looking at the back side of mountains that I could see from my bedroom window when I was a child. Memories flooded back of my mother and father and their love for me. I thought of my Heavenly Father and how He had blessed me. As I stood there watching the sunrise, I could feel the warmth of the Savior’s loving, guiding hand. I knew without being told that I was a literal daughter of God and, because of the sacrifice of His Son, I can be with my earthly parents again some day and live in the presence of Heavenly Father.

I had taught this truth many times to others, but on this particular morning, it seemed as if I had discovered it for the first time. Perhaps I really had. I had received a witness of the Spirit. Standing on that hilltop, I thanked Heavenly Father for what I knew. I can’t express the joy of that moment.

Do you know that you are a child—a literal son or daughter—of God? Many of you know that what I’m saying is true. You know who you are. You have felt the Savior’s loving, guiding hand as you have followed the promptings of the Holy Ghost and have found the peace I speak of in your hearts.

Illustrated by Scott Snow
