Hidden Flowers
June 1994

“Hidden Flowers,” Friend, June 1994, 26

Hidden Flowers

Find the flowers hidden in the sentences below. The first one is done for you.

  1. My sister Lila can say the alphabet backward.

  2. The green fruit didn’t taste as terrible as Sue expected.

  3. You can get bagels at the Sudan Deli on Market Street.

  4. The cook hadn’t emptied the pans yet.

  5. That panda is younger than the other, but he’s much bigger.

  6. Lil yelled at the boy to look out for the car.

  7. With his sombrero set forward to shade his face, the man slept.

  8. I rise at seven o’clock every morning.

  9. Is that a telescope on your balcony?

  10. After sweeping the porch, I did the sidewalk.


  • (1) Lila can, (2) as terrible, (3) Sudan Deli on, (4) pans yet, (5) panda is younger, (6) Lil yelled, (7) sombrero set, (8) I rise, (9) telescope on your, (10) porch I did.
