I Just Remember Jesus
April 1995

“I Just Remember Jesus,” Friend, Apr. 1995, 19

I Just Remember Jesus

Whenever I’m in my bed at night

And the room is dark and still

With strange shadows on the wall,

The wind whistling shrill,

I just remember Jesus

Calming the raging sea.

I whisper a prayer for safety,

And then I feel peace.

Whenever I’m feeling achy

With a fever that burns and chills,

And Mom and Dad are worried,

And the doctor gives me pills,

I just remember Jesus

Healing the halt and blind.

My father gives me a blessing,

And peace comes to my mind.

Whenever I lose my patience

And holler, argue, or whine,

Or forget about sharing nicely

And scream at others, “That’s mine!”

I just remember Jesus

And the children ’round his knee.

I whisper a prayer for kindness,

And quickly I make peace.

Whenever I stand in front of a crowd

To sing or give a talk

And all eyes are staring at me

And I’m in a scared kind of shock,

I just remember Jesus

In the temple, teaching the priests.

I whisper a prayer for courage,

And fear is changed to peace.

Whenever I hear a story

Or listen to the news

About all the crimes and all the wars

And feel scared and sometimes confused,

I just remember Jesus

In the Garden of Gethsemane

Praying for help from his Father—

His peace comes also to me.

Illustrated by Mark Robison

Paintings at right, top to bottom: “Stilling the Storm” by Ted Henninger, “Christ Healing a Blind Man” by Del Parson, “Christ With the Children” by Harry Anderson, “Christ in the Temple” by Heinrich Hofmann, “Christ in Gethsemane” by Harry Anderson.
