Jack-O’-Lantern Sandwiches
October 1995

“Jack-O’-Lantern Sandwiches,” Friend, Oct. 1995, 32

Jack-O’-Lantern Sandwiches

1 cup mayonnaise

3 tablespoons minced dill pickle

1 tablespoon mustard

16 slices pumpernickel bread

1/4 pound (113 g) sliced American cheese

1/4 pound (113 g) sliced ham

  1. Stir the mayonnaise, pickle, and mustard together.

  2. Cut circles out of the bread, cheese, and ham with a 4″ (10 cm) round cookie cutter.

  3. Using a kitchen knife, cut the eyes, mouths, and noses in half the bread rounds.

  4. Lightly spread the remaining bread rounds with the mayonnaise mixture.

  5. Top with the ham and cheese rounds.

  6. Put the bread faces on top. Cover and chill until ready to serve.
