Gospel People
October 1995

“Gospel People,” Friend, Oct. 1995, 5

Gospel People

Use the references to match these people, found in the four gospels (Matt., Mark, Luke, and John), with their descriptions.

___ 1. Anna

a. He preached repentance and baptized Jesus, then was imprisoned and beheaded. (See Matt. 3:1–6, 13–17; Matt. 14:3–12.)

___ 2. Barabbas

b. A fisherman called to be an Apostle, he testified of Christ, then denied knowing him three times. (See Matt. 4:18–20; Matt. 16:13–17; Matt. 26:20, 30–34, 57–58, 69–75; John 21:15–17.)

___ 3. Herod Antipas

c. One of the rulers of the synagogue, he asked Jesus to heal his twelve-year-old daughter. (See Mark 5:22–23, 35–43.)

___ 4. Jairus

d. This wicked king imprisoned and beheaded John the Baptist; later, he mocked Jesus before His crucifixion. (See Matt. 14:3–12; Luke 23:7–11.)

___ 5. John the Baptist

e. One of the Twelve Apostles, he betrayed Jesus with a kiss. (See Luke 22:1–6; Mark 14:43–46.)

___ 6. John

f. This eighty-four-year-old woman served in the temple and was there when Mary and Joseph took Jesus there. (See Luke 2:27, 36–38.)

___ 7. Joseph of Arimathea

g. The Jews demanded that this robber be released from prison rather than Jesus. (See Luke 23:13–18; John 18:38–40.)

___ 8. Joseph

h. This woman was sick with a fever; Jesus healed her, and she then ministered (took care of their needs) unto Him and those with Him. (See Mark 1:14, 29–31.)

___ 9. Judas Iscariot

i. A wise and just counsellor, he buried Jesus’ body in his own tomb. (See Luke 23:50–53.)

___ 10. Lazarus

j. Jesus asked this “beloved disciple” to care for His mother, Mary; later this disciple ran with Peter to the empty tomb. (See John 19:25–27, John 20:1–8; Bible Dictionary—John.)

___ 11. Mary

k. The father of John the Baptist, this temple priest was struck dumb for disbelieving the angel’s news. (See Luke 1:5–22, 57–64.)

___ 12. Peter’s mother-in-law

l. The brother of Mary and Martha; Jesus wept at his grave, then raised him from death. (See John 11:1–44.)

___ 13. Simon Peter

m. Because of his small size, this man, Jericho’s chief publican (tax-collector), climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus. (See Luke 19:1–8.)

___ 14. Zacchaeus

n. A carpenter, this man was Jesus’ stepfather. (See Matt. 1:18–25; Matt. 13:55.)

___ 15. Zacharias

o. This woman was sent an angel from God to tell her that her son was to be the Savior. (See Luke 1:26–31; Luke 2:4–11.)


  • (1) f, (2) g, (3) d, (4) c, (5) a, (6) j, (7) i, (8) n, (9) e, (10) l, (11) o, (12) h, (13) b, (14) m, (15) k.
