January Scripture Chase
January 1996

“January Scripture Chase,” Friend, Jan. 1996, 23

January Scripture Chase

To find the Primary theme for this month, use your scriptures to help you fill in the correct word on the blank for each number. Then read down the filled-in words.

  1. ______________ The first word in 1 Nephi 1:1 [1 Ne. 1:1] (Did you know this answer without looking?)

  2. ______________ The twenty-first word of 3 Nephi 11:14 [3 Ne. 11:14]

  3. ______________ The word between your and Father in Mosiah 2:34. (Make the first letter of this word a capital.)

  4. ______________ ’s The ninth word of Jacob 4:5

  5. ______________ The third word after feast in Jacob 3:2

  6. ______________ The second word in 3 Nephi 19:8 [3 Ne. 19:8]

  7. ______________ The seventh word before the fill-in word for number 14

  8. ______________ The twelfth word in 2 Nephi 32:4 [2 Ne. 32:4]

  9. ______________ The thirty-eighth word of Helaman 5:18 [Hel. 5:18]

  10. ______________ The first two letters of the thirty-first word of Ether 9:26

  11. ______________ The fifteenth word of Alma 60:27

  12. ______________ The word before the fourth comma (,) in Mormon 3:9 [Morm. 3:9]

  13. ______________ The first word after the semicolon (;) in Words of Mormon 1:3 [W of M 1:3]

  14. ______________ The last word in Mosiah 3:2


  • I feel Heavenly Father’s love when I understand what He has done for me.
