undefined undefined Josephs
January 1997

“Josephs,” Friend, Jan. 1997, 46


Read the scriptures to identify which Joseph each clue refers to.

  1. He saw a vision of Jesus Christ’s visit to the spirit world while His body lay in the tomb. (See D&C 138: Preface.)
    Joseph ___. ________________

  2. He was a carpenter. (See Matt. 1:16; Matt. 13:55.)
    Joseph, husband of ________________

  3. He was one of the eight witnesses to the Book of Mormon. (See Book of Mormon, The Testimony of Eight Witnesses—after the Introduction.)
    Joseph ________________, ___.

  4. He and his brother Jacob were born in the wilderness after their family fled from Jerusalem. (See 1 Ne. 7:1–2; 1 Ne. 18:7.)
    Joseph, son of ________________.

  5. He was a rich disciple who took Jesus Christ’s body and laid it in a sepulchre. (See Mark 15:43–46.)
    Joseph of ________________

  6. He gave material assistance (money and supplies) so that Joseph Smith could continue to translate the Book of Mormon. (See D&C 12:Preface.)
    Joseph ________________

  7. His father gave him a coat of many colors. (See Gen. 48:2.)
    Joseph, son of ________________.

  8. He translated the record of the Nephites. (See Book of Mormon title page.)
    Joseph ________________, ___.


  • (1) Joseph F. Smith, (2) Joseph, husband of Mary, (3) Joseph Smith, Sen. (4) Joseph, son of Lehi, (5) Joseph of Arimathaea, (6) Jeseph Knight, (7) Joseph, son of Jacob, (8) Joseph Smith, Jun.