“Poster: Choose the Right,” Friend, Jan. 1997, insert
Choose the Right
Choose you this day whom ye will serve; … but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (Josh. 24:15).
Heavenly Father gave each of us agency so that we could choose for ourselves whether we would do what is right or what is wrong. He, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost want us to choose the right every day so that one day we can return to live with Them. As you read the scriptures referred to (to better understand them, you may want to read them with your parents) and do the activities suggested on this year’s poster, do them prayerfully. Whey you do, you will learn that you do have the power to choose for yourself and that your parents, Church leaders, the scriptures, and the Holy Ghost can help you make the right choices.
Copyright © 1996. Corporation of the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Heavenly Father has blessed me with agency to choose right from wrong.
Read: 2 Nephi 2:26–28 [2 Ne. 2:26–28]
Read the scriptures daily.
When I choose the right, I am obedient.
Read: Abraham 3:25 [Abr. 3:25]
Do your chores when you are supposed to.
My choices have consequences.
Read: Doctrine and Covenants 130:20–21 [D&C 130:20–21]
Write in your journal about choices you have made and their consequences.
The Atonement of Jesus Christ allows me to correct my wrong choices.
Read: Doctrine and Covenants 19:16 [D&C 19:16]
If you have done something wrong, ask Heavenly Father and any person you’ve hurt for forgiveness.
When I am baptized, I make covenants to choose the right.
Read: Doctrine and Covenants 68:27; 20:37 [D&C 68:27; D&C 20:37]
Have a family home evening in which your family discusses baptism and the baptismal covenants.
Prayer helps me choose the right.
Read: Doctrine and Covenants 112:10 [D&C 112:10]; Alma 37:37
Pray morning and night and listen for answers. If your family doesn’t have daily family prayer, encourage them to do so.
The Holy Ghost helps me choose the right.
Read: Doctrine and Covenants 130:22 [D&C 130:22]
Have your parents tell you of a time the Holy Ghost helped them choose the right. Then tell them of a time He helped you.
The scriptures, our prophets, my parents, and other righteous leaders help me choose the right.
Read: Alma 37:44; Doctrine and Covenants 1:38; Colossians 3:20 [D&C 1:38; Col. 3:20]; Alma 48:11–18
Read the inside front cover of the Friend this month and choose something you can do to follow the counsel of the prophet.
Asking myself, “What does Jesus want me to do?” helps me choose the right.
Read: Doctrine and Covenants 19:23 [D&C 19:23]
When you have an important choice to make, ask yourself, “What does Jesus Christ want me to do?”
I will have the courage to be obedient and choose the right even when others around me choose differently.
Read: Moses 8:20–24
Resolve to listen to and/or watch only those television shows, videos, or music that you think Heavenly Father would approve of.
I will make important choices now that will bless me throughout my life.
Read: Moses 6:33
Start a savings account for your mission or to help someone else on a mission.
I will choose to follow the Savior, Jesus Christ.
Read: Alma 37:44–45
Give the Savior a gift of yourself for Christmas—choose one commandment that you will strive harder to keep during the coming year.