Good Books for Little Friends
April 1997

“Good Books for Little Friends,” Friend, Apr. 1997, 31

Good Books for Little Friends

The Little Engine That Could by Watty Piper (reteller) This story about a cheerful, positive attitude and helping others is now sixty-five years old—and still worth reading.

Funimals by Paul Rogers “What’s this animal? Do you know? / A buffalump or a buffalo?” This book is a romp! Each two-page spread offers a hilarious either-or choice, and the inspired illustrations deliver exactly what the title promises. Parents will gladly read this one almost as often as their kids demand it.

Just Listen by Winifred Morris Tara lived in the city with its sounds of cars and televisions and people. Grandma lived in the country with its sounds of squirrels and owls and winds. But sometimes the country sounds would all stop, and Grandma would whisper, “‘Now what do you hear?’”

The Day the Goose Got Loose by Reeve Lindbergh When the goose got loose, she caused a riot on the farm: Hens went crazy, the ram went around butting things (and people!), the horses kicked up their heels, and the bull went on a rampage. Steven Kellogg’s illustrations make the story even funnier.
