“‘Follow the Prophet’ Face Frame,” Friend, Aug. 1997, 30–31
“Follow the Prophet” Face Frame
Heeding the prophets: … In this there is … peace (Children’s Songbook, page 147).
Following the prophets helps us to be happy. Hold the Face Frame to your face as you sing each verse in “Follow the Prophet” (Children’s Songbook, pages 110–111). Or you can use the Face Frame and “be” each of the prophets telling his story “in his own words.”
Ask an older person to mount pages 30–31 on sturdy cardboard, then cut out the Face Frame, each name tag, and the slit on each side of the name tag already on the Face Frame.
Fold the tabs on each name tag, and tuck it in place as you sing the corresponding verse of “Follow the Prophet” or tell each prophet’s story.
Adam—See Moses 5:4–12, 58–59.
Enoch—See Moses 6:26–28; Moses 7:13–21.
Noah—See Gen. 6–8.
Abraham—See Gen. 12–50.
Samuel—See 1 Sam. 1; 1 Sam. 3:1–10.
Jonah—See Jonah 1–3.
Daniel—See Dan. 6.
Note: If you want to “be” President Hinckley on television, cut out the middle of a ledger-size piece of white paper or cardboard, draw knobs or push buttons on bottom, and color the “television” Face Frame (see illustration).
Illustrated by Dick Brown