Sharing Time: What Does Jesus Christ Want Me to Do?
September 1997

“Sharing Time: What Does Jesus Christ Want Me to Do?” Friend, Sept. 1997, 36

Sharing Time:

What Does Jesus Christ Want Me to Do?

Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me (D&C 19:23).

Have you ever said an unkind word to someone and then wished that you had not? Have you ever hurt someone’s feelings because you didn’t think carefully before you acted? Do you ever feel uncertain about what you should do when someone wants you to do something you know is wrong? Have you wondered what you should do when someone hurts your feelings? In all of these situations, thinking about Jesus Christ can help you.

It is easy to do things that hurt others or ourselves when we do not think carefully before we act or when our minds are full of anger, fear, or confusion. Because our actions follow our thoughts, thinking about Jesus Christ can help us. Thoughts of His life, His example, and what He wants us to do can calm our minds and help us make righteous choices.

As you think about the Savior, ask yourself, “What would Jesus Christ want me to do?” Answering this question will help each of us follow Him and choose the right.

The Savior loves us and wants us to be happy. He wants us to be kind, loving, forgiving, helpful, obedient, honest, and thankful. When we do these things, we are keeping His commandments. Following the example of Jesus Christ will help us be happy.

Instructions: Color the “What Does Jesus Christ Want Me to Do?” reminder. Mount it on heavy paper, cut it out along the heavy black lines, fold it on the dotted lines, then glue it where indicated. Put your reminder in a place where you will see it often.

Jesus and children

Illustrated by Jerry Harston

Sharing Time Ideas

Note: The practice song for September might be “To Think about Jesus” (Children’s Songbook, p. 71).

1. Sing “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus” (Children’s Songbook, p. 57). Explain that Jesus Christ showed us by His example what He wants us to do. He said, “Come follow me,” and He asked all of us to follow His example. Understanding how He lived helps us answer the question “What does Jesus Christ want me to do?” Ask, “Where can we read about what Jesus Christ did?” Place pictures of His ministry on the walls or chalkboard and write the following corresponding scripture references on slips of paper. Divide the children into four groups. Have each group discuss one set of scripture passages and find the corresponding picture(s), then share with the whole Primary what Jesus Christ did and how we can follow His example. Scripture and picture possibilities: (1) Mark 1:9–11; Luke 3:21–23/John the Baptist Baptizing Jesus, Gospel Art Kit #208—Jesus was baptized; we can be baptized. (2) Matt. 19:13–15; Mark 10:13–16/Christ and the children, Gospel Art Kit #216—Jesus Christ loves the little children; we can love one another. (3) Matt. 26:36–39; Mark 14:32–36/Jesus Praying in Gethsemane, Gospel Art Kit #227—Jesus prayed and submitted Himself to the will of the Father; we can pray and be obedient. (4) Luke 17:11–14; John 9:1–7/The Ten Lepers, Gospel Art Kit #221; Jesus Healing the Blind, Gospel Art Kit #213—Jesus showed compassion for those who were sick and afflicted; we can help those who are ill and disabled.

2. Explain that many of the Primary songs can help answer the question “What does Jesus Christ want me to do?” Sing the following songs, and after each one, ask, “What does this song tell you Jesus Christ wants you to do?” Songs (all are in the Children’s Songbook): “I’m Trying to Be like Jesus,” p. 78; “When Jesus Christ Was Baptized,” p. 102; “Search, Ponder, and Pray,” p. 109; “Follow the Prophet,” p. 110; “Love One Another,” p. 136; “I’ll Walk with You,” p. 140; “Called to Serve,” p. 174.

3. Beforehand, invite three adult members to tell, in three minutes each, these stories from the Friend: “Mr. Archuleta’s Apricots,” July 1996, pp. 16–19; “To Warm the Heart (and the Feet),” Jan. 1995, 15–17; “The Experiment,” June 1996, pp. 2–4. Explain to the children that when they face a difficult situation, they might ask themselves, “What is the right thing to do?” “How can I help?” or “How should I act?” Explain that such questions are part of a most important question: “What does Jesus Christ want me to do?” Divide the children into groups and let them move from storyteller to storyteller. After each story, have the teller ask, “Who, in the story, asked himself/herself, ‘What does Jesus Christ want me to do?’” and, “How did that question help him/her?” Suggest that the children ask themselves “What does Jesus Christ want me to do?” each time they have an important choice to make.

4. Prepare slips of paper with the following situations written on them. Make a fishing pole with a clothespin or safety pin on the end of the line. Bring a bed sheet to be held up by two children. Have the children sit in a circle. Pass a beanbag around as the pianist plays “Choose the Right Way” (Children’s Songbook, p. 160). When the music stops, the child holding the beanbag goes fishing by putting his fishing line over the sheet. One of the presidency, behind the sheet, attaches a situation to the fishing line. Have the child or a presidency member read the situation, then ask and discuss, “What does Jesus Christ want you to do?” There may be more than one good solution. Direct this activity carefully. Possible situations: (1) Your little brother is having trouble with his math homework. You are good at math. (2) Your big sister thought that you wrote in her schoolbook. She was angry at you, but learned that you didn’t do it. Now she’s sorry. (3) You left your bike in the driveway. Dad is not happy about it. (4) You want to buy a candy bar but will not have enough money if you pay your tithing. (5) You see a mother pushing a stroller and trying to open a door near you.

5. Discuss how keeping “My Gospel Standards” (on the back of the Primary My Achievement Days booklet or in the Friend, Nov. 1996, pp. 24–25) answers the question “What does Jesus Christ want me to do?” Have each child write on a piece of paper one of the “My Gospel Standards” to concentrate on living during the coming week. Put each child’s paper in an envelope with his/her name on it to be returned the following week. Suggest that they share this activity in family home evening.

6. For additional resources on “What Jesus Christ wants me to do,” see the following from the Friend: “Magic Question,” Mar. 1995, pp. 2–4; “I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus,” Dec. 1994, p. 23.
