Great-Grandpa, Brave and Kind
July 1998

“Great-Grandpa, Brave and Kind,” Friend, July 1998, 31

Great-Grandpa, Brave and Kind

Lee Jacob* petted the mare’s soft nose

And felt the fire’s glow.

He skipped rocks and laughed and slept

On the trail to Mexico.

He gripped a tarp to keep Mama dry

Through the dark, freezing rain of night—

As a baby came into the world,

Rain-soaked Lee Jacob held tight.

Yes, Lee Jacob walked to Mexico

A Mormon strong and free

My great-grandpa, brave and kind—

Just five years old, like me!

  • Author’s note: I wrote this poem for my child. My grandfather, Lee Jacob Huber, made the trek from Utah to Mexico around the time of colonization. He often told the story of how he stood outside, holding a tarp to keep his mother dry while she gave birth. He was only five years old at the time.

Illustrated by Dick Brown
