Good Books for Little Friends
October 1998

“Good Books for Little Friends,” Friend, Oct. 1998, 31

Good Books for Little Friends

One of Three by Angela Johnson The youngest sister goes everywhere with her two older ones—well, almost everywhere. That makes her “one of three.” When her sisters want to do something without her, she’s with her mom and dad, so she’s still “one of three.” Beautiful art matches the cozy story.

Wind Says Good Night by Katy Rydell The joyous music and dancing of nighttime creatures are helping to prevent the little girl from going to sleep in this house-that-Jack-built kind of story. The art is as soothing and delightful as the story.

3 Pandas Planting by Megan Halsey Starting with 12 crocodiles who carpool, then 11 tigers who turn off faucets, the animals in this counting-down-to-one book all show in an upbeat way that they care about the earth and each other.

The Catspring Somersault Flying One-handed Flip-flop by SuAnn Kiser Willie practiced and practiced, and when she finally could really do a Catspring Somersault Flying One-handed Flip-flop, all her eleven brothers and sisters and her mom and dad were too busy to watch her do it. When she complained that no one would miss her if she ran away, their funny story about what would happen if she did, let her know how much they loved her. And they clapped and cheered loudly when they watched her do the Flip-flop—right there in the dining room!

If Anything Ever Goes Wrong at the Zoo by Mary Jean Hendrick Leslie tells the zookeepers that they can bring the animals to her house if anything ever goes wrong at the zoo, and when a huge storm floods the zoo, the keepers take her up on her offer. It wouldn’t ever really happen, but it’s fun to think about.
