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Good Books for Little Friends
December 1998

“Good Books for Little Friends,” Friend, Dec. 1998, 11

Good Books for Little Friends

Christmas Secrets by Ann Schweninger This easy-to-read book has three short chapters. In the first, the children build a snowman that looks just like—oops, it’s a secret! In chapter 2, they write to tell Santa what they want for Christmas. Chapter 3 tells about making lots of cookies, including three special ones—for guess whom?

Merry Birthday, Nora Noël by Ann Dixon As the rest of the family enjoy spring, summer, and fall, they wait to greet the new baby—and to celebrate the birth of the first Christmas Babe.

The Best Christmas Present of All by Linda Jennings Mr. Merriweather took Buster in when he had been abandoned. They loved each other. When Mr. Merriweather had to go to the hospital, his grandchildren took Buster to their house. But he didn’t understand and ran away home. The children found him and took him to their home again. Can you guess what his Christmas present—the best of all—was?

Christmas at the J-O by James Rice It was Christmas Eve, Papa wasn’t home yet, and a blizzard was coming. Mama and Patricia and Jason did their chores early, made decorations for the Christmas tree, and went to bed. Then Patricia heard the corral gate banging. She and Jason got it fastened, but the wind and ice were so bad that they had to take shelter in the barn. That’s where Papa found them.

Christmas with Grandfather by Winfried Wolf Thomas’s father was dead. Thomas and his mother were too sad to celebrate Christmas. Then his father’s father asked them to spend Christmas with him. He gave Thomas a special gift—a faded old wooden horse that was missing both an ear and an eye! But Grandfather had made it, and Thomas’s father had loved it, and that made all the difference.