Priceless Gifts
December 1998

“Priceless Gifts,” Friend, Dec. 1998, 16

Priceless Gifts

Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him (Moro. 10:32).

At Christmastime we celebrate the birth of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. One of the reasons we give gifts to one another at this season is because we remember the many priceless gifts that He has given us. The world we live in was created by Him under the direction of Heavenly Father. The scriptures are a gift from Him. They contain the record of His life and teach us how to be happy. The things He did are an example of how we should live—He was baptized, He loved and was kind to those around Him, He obeyed His Father’s commandments. And then the greatest gift of all—He gave His life so that we can have eternal life.

As we think of ways to say thank you, let us think of the gifts that we can offer Him in return. We can care for the world that He has given us by making it beautiful and keeping it clean. When we are eight years old, we can be baptized. We can study the scriptures and try to live our lives according to the teachings that we find there. We can love one another and be kind. We can obey the commandments and try to live our lives in doing good.

Though our gifts will not be as great as those we have received, we can serve the Savior by trying to follow His example and by helping others. He will love our humble gifts as we love the priceless gifts that He has given us.

Instructions: Color the flannel-board figures, then mount them on heavy paper. Cut them out and use them to talk about some of the many gifts that the Savior has given us and the gifts we can give Him.

Coloring page

Care for the Earth; Read the Scriptures; Be Baptized; Love One Another; Obey the Commandments; Serve Others.
(Illustrated by Beth Whittaker.)

Painting of the Savior by Heinrich Hoffman

Nativity by Robert T. Barrett
