January 1999

“Winter,” Friend, Jan. 1999, 32


I hear the cold wind brush my nose.

(Put hand by ear, then brush nose with it.)

I feel the frost tickle my toes.

(Tickle top of shoes.)

I catch a snowflake in my mouth,

(Open mouth wide.)

See birds fly in flocks to the south.

(Put side of hand above eyes.)

I watch my breath float on the air,

(Look up and blow.)

Wear fuzzy frost curls in my hair.

(Pat hair.)

I build a snowman, round and tall,

(Clasp hands and form a circle with arms.)

Inspect the footprints near the wall.

(Look down.)

I make a snow fort, pack it hard,

(Make packing motions with hands.)

And jump in drifts in my front yard.

(Jump in place.)

I fly downhill on my fast sled,

(Make a quick swishing motion with hand.)

Or slide on our slippery walk, instead.

(Slide one foot.)

Illustrated by Taia Morley