The Challenge
March 1999

“The Challenge,” Friend, Mar. 1999, 48–inside back cover

The Challenge

And when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren (Luke 22:32).

My Aunt Debbie has always been one of my best friends. On my special birthday, when I turned 8, I was baptized. After my baptism, we had a great party and my family and friends came over. It was a big celebration! My Aunt Debbie and her family haven’t come to church for a long time, but I invited her to my baptism and party anyway, and they came.

At my party, I had two birthday cakes. One came from a bakery, but the other one was homemade and it was extra special. It had pure white frosting, and on the top was Captain Moroni. He is one of my favorites, and Mom knows I like him.

When we were serving Aunt Debbie her slice of cake, she asked for a piece of my Captain Moroni cake. I told her that if she ate a slice of that cake, she would have to promise to go to church with me on Sunday and sit beside me. She said, “Brian, I promise!” My branch president was sitting beside her, and he said, “I heard that!” Everyone laughed. I was so happy because I love Aunt Debbie, and I know she loves Heavenly Father. I want her to be happy, too.

My mom told me later that I am the best missionary in our family. My dad said that I am a good example, just like Captain Moroni. I hope I can always follow the Savior like he did.

I know that Heavenly Father has blessed my family and my branch. Since my birthday, Aunt Debbie and her family have been coming to church. As a matter of fact, Aunt Debbie is now my Primary teacher and everyone in her class loves her. I’m so glad she comes to church now and that we can all learn together how to follow Jesus Christ.

Photo by Welden Andersen
