Good Books for Little Friends
April 1999

“Good Books for Little Friends,” Friend, Apr. 1999, 30

Good Books for Little Friends

Here Comes Henny by Charlotte Pomerantz Rhymed word-play with colorful, fun illustrations of healthy fruits and vegetables make this a wonderful book. A sample: “See her put a snicky-snacky / in her backpack picnic sacky. / CLUCK!”

Aunt Skilly and the Stranger by Kathleen Stevens Aunt Skilly and Buckle, her gray goose, lived alone. She was nice to the stranger, but he asked suspicious questions when she put away her beautiful quilts. She was too smart for him, though—and Buckle was too brave when he came that night to steal the quilts.

Sing to the Stars by Mary Brigid Barrett Ephram is too shy to play his violin in front of anyone. Mr. Washington hasn’t played the piano for anyone since an accident killed his daughter and left him blind. Somehow Ephram has to help them both, because “Music speaks best when someone listens.”

Sootface: An Ojibwa Cinderella Story by Robert D. San Souci As in the fairy tale, Sootface has two cruel sisters, dirty work, humiliation, and no nice clothes to wear when she meets the Native American “prince.” But Sootface has no fairy godmother to help her out. Instead of a slipper to try on, she is given a test that can be passed only by one who “has a kind and honest heart.”

Story of a Dolphin by Katherine Orr A true story of a dolphin that got in trouble for befriending people. All turned out well; the joy of friendship with this loving animal is beautifully described.
