“Family Home Evening Ideas,” Friend, June 1999, 5
Family Home Evening Ideas
If your parents ask you to help plan a family home evening, you may want to use an idea from the Friend. Here are some ideas in this issue that you may like (look for the FHE symbol on the [original magazine] pages mentioned):
Tell the story of the faithful Brazilian sister in “Obedience and Service,” by Elder Athos M. Amorim (IFC). Talk about the commandments that you try to obey as a family.
Read “Empty Can” (pages 2–5). Ask family members to discuss why we feel bad when we don’t do what we are supposed to do and feel good when we do do it. Resolve to feel good as a family.
Ask an older brother or your dad to tell how Elder Quentin L. Cook and his brother decided to obey the call to serve a mission (pages 6–7). Elder Cook loves to sing Primary songs. Sing together “I Hope They Call Me on a Mission” (Children’s Songbook, page 169).
Using the flannel-board figures, tell how Jesus taught the Apostles about the sacrament (pages 10–11). Resolve to think about that next Sunday when you take the sacrament. Read the story “Conner, Always Remember” (pages 36–37).
Read about Michelle Mukund from Fiji (pages 18–20) and Miguel Emmanuel Cortez Crespo from Bolivia (pages 48–IBC). What are some of the ways they obey the Savior’s teachings? Can you do the same?
Do one of the activities: “Sunday Can” (page 23) or “Tithing Around the World” (pages 24–25, 47).
For refreshments make “Fossil Mud Pie” (page 30) or “Peanut Squares” (page 39).
Make the chart “If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments” (page 44), and show how obeying the commandments moves us closer to the Savior.