January 2000

“Rebirth,” Friend, Jan. 2000, 31


I stayed up late on New Year’s Eve,

And as I’d been assured,

A new millennium was born!

Happy cries were heard.

Just as a millennium has begun,

I will also start anew,

For this is the year I will have

A special rebirth, too.

My baptism day is coming soon,

And since I’ve come of age,

I am now accountable

For all I do and say.

I’ll take on the name of Jesus Christ

As part of His family,

Then renew my covenants each time I take

The sacrament worthily.

My baptism is the important event—

That certainly is clear.

But still I can say 2000 and I

Were born in the very same year!

Illustrated by Steve Kropp
