“When Jesus Christ Was Baptized,” Friend, Jan. 2000, 24
“When Jesus Christ Was Baptized”
(Children’s Songbook, page 102.)
Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him (Matt. 3:13).
When Jesus Christ was baptized
Down in the River Jordan,
Three members of the Godhead
Were present there in love.
The Father spoke from heaven
When Jesus Christ was baptized;
The Holy Ghost descended
As gently as a dove.
And now when I am baptized,
I’ll follow his example—
Be baptized by immersion
Through sacred priesthood pow’r.
Then I will be a member
Of Heav’nly Father’s kingdom
And have the Holy Spirit
To guide me ev’ry hour.
This song teaches us that when we are baptized, we are following the example of the Savior. It would be fun to start a family tradition by singing this song in every family home evening during the month when a member of your family is going to be baptized.
Carefully remove pages 24–25 from the magazine.
Cut out the two large squares along the solid lines.
Mount (glue) each large square on a heavier piece of paper or posterboard.
Cut out the smaller squares along the dashed lines.
Lay the small squares on top of the large picture, numbered side up, in numerical order.
Sing the song (Children’s Songbook, page 102). The pictures and words on the squares will help you remember the words of the song.
Remove one small square for each 4 lines of the song. Sing the song again, and see if you can remember the words or picture hints on the squares you removed.
Continue to remove additional squares as you sing the song again and again, until you know all the words. When you have removed all the squares, you will see a new picture.
The Baptism of Jesus by Del Parson
Illustrated by Leslie Harston