January 2001

“Childviews,” Friend, Jan. 2001, inside back cover


Faith in Jesus Christ

A few months ago, when I was learning to ride my bike, I needed to believe I could do it. At first I didn’t believe that I could do it, so I didn’t try much. Then I started believing that I could do it, and I practiced more—and I could ride my bike!

In the Book of Mormon, Nephi had to have faith to go to get the brass plates. First he believed that Heavenly Father would help him. Then he acted on it—and he got the plates!

When we believe that we can’t do something, faith in Jesus Christ can help us. We show faith by reading the scriptures, praying, and obeying the commandments every day. When we do these things, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will help us.

Samuel O. White, age 8
Provo, Utah

Fresno California Temple

President Hinckley came to dedicate the temple near where I live. We talked about it a lot in our family, and I decided to build one like it with my toy blocks. Do you like it?

Tyler Henshaw, age 4
Visalia, California

Heavenly Father, Are You Really There?

I had just celebrated my eighth birthday and my baptism into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Grandma gave me a CTR ring. It meant a lot to me.

One evening after a big snowstorm, I went to the barn to do my chores. Then I had a friendly snowball fight with my brother. It was getting dark when I saw that my CTR ring wasn’t on my finger anymore. I ran into the house, crying, and told my mother.

My whole family prayed, asking Heavenly Father to help us find my ring. Then we all took lanterns and flashlights and searched everywhere I had been. We couldn’t find it, and we decided that with the snow so deep, it would be weeks before it melted enough for my ring to be seen. But when I went to bed, I was still hoping Heavenly Father would help me find it.

The next morning, Nathan, my older brother, came running into the house, shouting, “I found Natalie’s ring!” We went to see where he had found it. The snow was still everywhere, except where a ray of sunshine had melted it around the ring. It was a miracle! I have a strong testimony of prayer, and I know that Heavenly Father loves me and wants me to know that He does answer my prayers.

Natalie Boyes, age 8
Magrath, Alberta, Canada
