“John’s New Sled,” Friend, Jan. 2001, 30–31
John’s New Sled
Remember in all things the poor and the needy (D&C 52:40).

Illustrated by Julie F. Young
John woke up one morning.
John jumped out of bed.
“It’s snowing!” John yelled.
“I can use my new sled.”
John put on his coat,
His pants and socks and shoes,
And raced down the stairs
To tell Mother the news.
John ate toast and eggs,
And hurried outside.
Then John and his sled
Went to take a fast ride.
They went to a big hill
All covered with snow.
John saw many sleds
Whizzing down in a row.
As John and his new sled
Were ready to slide,
A poorly dressed boy said,
“May I please have a ride?”
John looked at the boy
Who was standing alone.
He could see that this boy
Had no sled of his own.
John thought for a minute;
He looked at his sled.
He looked at the big hill.
Then John nodded his head.
“You may ride down with me.
My sled is brand new,”
John said. “It’s a big one
And just right for two.”
They whizzed down the big hill,
Down, down, down to its end—
John, his shiny new sled,
And John’s brand-new-found friend.